We provide your small business with an all-in-one IT department

ExoSource offers a remotely managed IT department for small and medium businesses. You’ll get your own IT director, high-quality support from our help desk, and access to a team of experts – all at a fraction of the cost of hiring your own.


  • Logo Dell
  • Logo Microsoft
  • Logo Lenovo
  • Logo V M ware

Our method

01. Assess

We start by taking a good look at your network and provide you with a clear service proposal based on your needs.

02. Optimize

We thoroughly clean up and document your computer network so that we can manage and support it efficiently.

03. Manage & support

We install our remote support software and take over responsibility for managing your computer infrastructure.




Pricing calculator

This tool is limited to companies with less than 50 workstations. Please contact us directly for details about larger networks.

We will proceed to a network audit before presenting our final proposal.

Call us at 514 787-0693

How many computer stations?

How many users?

How many servers?

Need options?

Approximately $1050 Per month

Get started today.
Contact us.

(514) 787-0693
4000 Saint-Ambroise, Suite 388
Montréal (Québec) Canada
H4C 2C7

Already a client?
Need support?

(514) 787-0695
Our help desk is open from 8h00 to 18h00 Monday to Friday.